Alpha Pokemon are catchable! They have a special icon in their party overlay.They can drop Heart Scales, PokeBlocks, and 1-2 of their drops from their species loot pool.Alpha Pokemon can spawn with moves that Pokemon of their specieis can't normally obtain.They spawn between 6 and 10 levels higher than normal.Alpha Pokemon are bigger than usual and tinted red.Bergmite + holding Rock Gem + normal evolution method -> Hisuian Avalugg.Dartrix + holding Fighting Gem + normal evolution method -> Hisuian Decidueye.Quliava + holding Ghost Gem + normal evolution method -> Hisuian Typhlosion.Dewott + holding Dark Gem + normal evolution method -> Hisuian Samurott.Hisuian Qwilfish + learn Dark Pulse -> Overqwil.Stantler + learn Zen Headbutt -> Wyrdeer.Ursaring + Peat Block + night time -> Ursaluna.Petilil + holding Fighting Gem + Sun Stone -> Hisuian Lilligant.Rufflet + holding Psychic Gem + normal evolution method -> Hisuian Braviary.Goomy + holding Steel Gem + normal evolution method -> Hisuian Sliggoo.This is hopefully our last 1.12.2 update, baring any emergency hotfix update needed! We'll see you on the otherside soon, meanwhile enjoy this MASSIVE content update! We'll start sharing 1.19.x info soon- make sure to join our Discord! but 1.19.x development has been taking up our time. It's been a while! We anticipated to release this update a month or so ago. Fixed some crashes when opening the Celestial Flute menu.

Added JavaDocs for the new Server Overlays.